Leading up to this, I was really surprised (and actually kind of delighted) that Sweet P managed to hang in there this far. For the past three weeks, she's been crying, whining, bitching and moaning about running out of time, having construction disasters, and a lack of imagination. Eventually, that's gotta catch up with ya and it finally did for Sweet P tonight. While I enjoyed watching her this far, I was glad to see her go. If she was still in, someone who deserved it more would've been out and that's just not right.
As for the remainders, here's what I think:
Rami: Dear, sweet Rami. If you drape anything...ever again...I will lose all respect for you. Listen man, how many times do you have to hear--from Nina Garcia, nonetheless (the very judge who singlehandedly brought Santino Rice to his knees)--that you keep doing the same thing over and over again. No more excuses. Push your limits for the love of god...it's Bryant Park now.
Jillian: I think Jillian is brilliantly talented...I just cannot handle listening to her say anything. Which may be the mark of a good designer...good designers should be seen and not heard, perhaps. Having said that, every week she's come through with new and innovative designs that always seem attuned to the level of drama, understatedness, or wacky-crazy that the challenge requires. She seems well-rounded: able to do haute couture as well as commercial. Go Jillian go. I'd love to see her take it all.
Christian: Little dude makes me angry with that spiked out asymmetrical haircut and Tinkerbell voice. On the other hand, he seems like the only idiot-savant in the group. So we're not sure whether or not he's made it out of his teens...so what? His designs are probably the most cutting-edge and with that ever-elusive "point of view" that everyone always talks about. He's probably the front runner right now although something about that feels wrong.
Chris: You lucky, large man you. Austin Scarlett (the most famous costumer ever) never made it as far as Chris and if ever an underdog existed, you are it buddy. But I like Chris a lot; he's already been revived once, having been brought back after Jack had to bow out much earlier in the season...wouldn't it be awesome to see him show at Bryant Park? I say yes. The commentary on this last show was right on...he's got the drama to bring something really interesting. I want Chris to at least show.
And, before I make my predictions for the finale, let me just hand it to PR on two fronts. First, the judges this season have been nothing but In-Cred-i-ble. I'm sorry, to stand there and have Roberto Cavalli tell you that you could show in Paris--that's got to be incredible. Michael Kors is always bitchy-fabulous but they really put together a top-notch panel of guest judges this season. I also want to salute them on this creative, thrill-filled ending compromise. When Heidi say to Chris "you're in," I literally lost my breath...I couldn't believe that Rami was out and I momentarily felt conflicted because it didn't seem that he deserved THAT. So the fact that they're still basically competing I think is the best of both worlds...they now have months to show what they're made of. Bravo...well...Bravo; you've done good.
So, who is it in the Finals?
I say, the final 3 will be : Jillian, Christian, and Rami (sorry Chris, you're my emotional favorite but Rami's been scared shitless now and he's gonna bring it).
Winner: Jillian.
I'm gonna call a repeat of Season 3. Going in to Bryant Park, Santino was the star and "genius" while Chloe and Daniel were consistent all season. Chloe's consistency and solidity of vision and temperment paid off. The same will happen here. Christian will implode with the weight of possibilities and all the time. Jillian's gonna pull out all the stops and now she has the time she needs to do what she knows best. Rami will beat Chris to show because his taste and point of view (again...and I hate that phrase) are more cohesive and refined. However, he believes so steadfastly that he's right that, ultimately, he'll present a collection full of drapery and will end up in 3rd.
There it is. Can't wait to see who prevails.
I think Christain (aka "Mango") will probably win. And you are right - I never want to hear "Rami" and "drape" in the same sentence again.
Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.
Good write-up. I was thinking of writing some kind of synthesis of the season thus far, too, and I may still do so. I can't decide who I think will win, though. Hmmm....
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