Here's my two cents on such a move: I'm delighted with the thought of Whoopi filling Rosie O'Donnell's seat. Over the past weeks since O'Donnell abruptly left the show, Goldberg's filled in and every time has been great: she's able to maintain the same "edgy voice" as O'Donnell without the brassiness and...well...obnoxiousness. Rosie was good because she stirred things up. But little Ro liked to pick fights and, when Elizabeth was the usual target, it was funny. But sometimes it got old. Based on her past hostings, Whoopi still calls it like it is but in such a way that dialogue is actually encouraged. And I love her voice which ultimately swings my vote to a "two enthusiastic thumbs up".
Shepherd, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. Good point #1: She's funny and quick and able to spar with Joy entertainingly. Bad point#1: Conservative, thus putting her in a supporting role behind the inimitable, unlikable little one-note pixie Elizabeth. Good point #2: She seems to be intelligent and willing to say things that create conversation. Bad point #2: She's scared of Barbara which makes her more-than-likely to do a lot of fence sitting.
Of course, I've been ignoring the elephant in the room up to this point: the View's obviously looking to increase diversity. We know this because, according to the Yahoo article cited above, "The View" has been without a regular black cast member since [Star Jones] Reynolds left, and both Goldberg and Shepherd are black." Thanks Yahoo for clearing that up. Reynolds herself has actually commented on this fact (I don't remember where I heard this...probably FOX News, in between Lindsay and Paris).
Seriously, though...I wonder what the effect of such an "open agenda" will be for viewers. And, if diversity is the goal and these guest spots have been the "auditions," then I'd say the View is more interested in black co-hosts than diversity as I've yet to see any other "categories" of diversity tapped. Frankly, I can't remember there ever being a good cross-section of races and ethniticities represented in guest co-hosts, let alone categories of sexuality. Oddly enough, the only time sexuality is addressed in co-host choices are when Ross the Intern and Mario Cantone guest hosted (on separate days)...pivotal because they were the first men asked to guest co-host; typical because the joke was that they were obviously "two of the girls" (Mario Cantone is openly gay, I couldn't find an official statement from Ross regarding his sexuality).
So, what's up with that, Barbara?
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