Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Office Bloopers

I'll admit, I just started watching The Office recently. Clearly, there's much to be said that I've yet to even touch on. However, I found the bloopers reels absolutely hysterical and so felt it necessary to share them. These two are season three.

If you don't want to sit through all of it, fast forward to -1:57 and watch Rainn Wilson as a burp escapes him. I was laughing so hard...tears...streaming.

The second part is also well worth watching the entire thing.

This is really a highlight of all of Dwight's craziness. My favorites are all his "talking heads" moments when Rainn Wilson can't keep it together--and really, who could? Seriously, "My uncle, Harvey Schrute, was a fudge-packer; he worked at Hershey Park..." C'mon. That's genius but it takes a special gift to deliver than line seriously.

Enjoy the bloopers and stay tuned for more of my "talking head" moments on The Office.

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