He's starting the second season of Heroes as Claire's (the cheerleader's) boyfriend (apparently as they're still in the "flirty" stage on the actual show tonight).
His name is Nick D'Agosto and I knew him when he was a freshman at Marquette University. Nice kid. Very serious about his craft. The last time I talked to him (literally May of 1999) he was going to LA to sleep on the floor of the agent he got over Christmas break and audition for pilots. Apparently, things worked out as I read he's starred in several failed pilots and independent films that have debuted at Sundance Film Festival. As I read on IMDB, he actually graduated in 2002--cum laude. He always was a smart cookie.
Aaaand...I forgot about this but before he came to Marquette, he actually had a small but memorable part in the movie Election with Reese Witherspoon. I was mystified...alright, I still am...
And now he's on Heroes...and I'm here...still worrying about getting my homework done for Thursday.
Suddenly I feel small. But good for Nick.
Break a leg, kid.
You went to college with HUNTER?!?!?!?
Oh yeah...I saw that on Imdb...and it made me hope in "The Office" even more! This kid...famous, I tell ya.
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