The last show was all about Tom (Tate Donovan) who realizes through others and finally in himself that he needs Patty Hewes, as evil and conniving as she is. He's a #2 man who needs that person out there who's the #1. A hard lesson for any effective #2 whose thinking about striking out on his own.
We got more insight into Katie (who seems totally screwed up), they still want us to like Patty who reveals that she's a lawyer because she was tired of getting bullied...by her father. Things aren't looking good for Gregory--he gets the snot beat out of him in the alley by thugs working for the dude with the baby carriage. Frobisher thinks he's out of the woods but we, the viewers, know he's so not. David and Ellen make up...sorta. Ellen's starting to break under the pressure of working 20 hour days (possible for Satan) and planning a wedding and keeping a relationship afloat.
See, things are getting good. So here's what kills me.
"Tune in to the new episode on Tuesday, September 4."
"Wait a minute...wait just a cotton-pickin' minute. That's two weeks away. Two weeks! TWO WEEKS!?!" If you're counting, that's 288 hours. And that's not fair.
Proving, in fact, that Damages is all love and hugs one minute and then will turn around and kick ya in the shins. I should have taken Patty Hewes' advice before now: Trust no one. Not even the scheduler of this show...
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